PHP 7 Find Words Greater than Given Length X in String

This code will work for all modern PHP versions (including PHP 5, PHP 7, and PHP 8).


// PHP program to find all words
// which are greater than given length $x

// function find string greater than
// length $x
function string_x($s, $x)
  // create the empty string
  $w = "";
  // iterate the loop till every space
  for($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++)
    if($s[$i] != ' ')
      // append this sub string in $w
      $w = $w.$s[$i];
    else {
      // if length of current sub string
      // $w is greater than
      // $x then print
      if(strlen($w) > $x)
        echo ($w."<br />");
      $w = "";

// Provide function parameters and execute the function
$s = "Edopedia - Become a Better Software Developer";
$x = 7;
$s = $s . " ";
string_x($s, $x);



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