
Python 3 OpenCV Detect Face Tilt in Degrees From Live Webcam

Python 3 OpenCV Detect Face Tilt in Degrees From Live Webcam

Face Tilt Detection in degrees from live webcam using Python 3 OpenCV script. The output will be displayed inside a…

July 8, 2022

Show Winter Snowfall Animation Using Python 3 Arcade Library

Python 3 Arcade Library to Show Winter Snowfall Animation in Window GUI Desktop App. pip install arcade code.py # Import…

July 8, 2022

Send Birthday Wish as SMS/Mail with Python 3 Fast2SMS API

Python 3 Fast2SMS API Bot to Send Birthday Wish as SMS or Mail to Multiple Contacts on Phone in Command…

July 8, 2022

Python 3 OpenCV Detect People Face in Webcam and Send SMS Using Sinch API in Command Line

pip install opencv-python code.py # OpenCV program to detect face in real time # import libraries of python OpenCV #…

July 8, 2022

Python 3 Tkinter Code to Search Installed Apps on Computer Using winapps Module GUI Desktop App

winapps is a Python library that enables us to manage installed applications on Windows operating system. So, in this tutorial,…

July 18, 2022

Python 3 Display List of Installed Software on PC

Today I'll use Python 3 subprocess module to display a list of all the installed software on the computer. You…

July 8, 2022

Schedule Python Scripts Using Windows Task Scheduler

In this tutorial, you will learn how to schedule a Python 3 script using Windows Task Scheduler. Basically, this project…

July 8, 2022

Python 3 Automation Code to Move the Mouse at Constant Speed

code.py import sys import time import win32api if (len(sys.argv) < 4): print "Usage: python mousemove.py dx dy speed" sys.exit() current…

July 7, 2022

Move Mouse Every Minute Using Python 3 & PyAutoGUI

code.py import pyautogui as pg import time def delete_for_everyone(): pg.click(807, 979) pg.typewrite("hello") pg.typewrite(["enter"]) time.sleep(2) pg.click(1621, 896) pg.click(1621, 896) # time.sleep(1)…

July 7, 2022

Read, Parse & Write YAML Files Using Python 3 & pyyaml

First of all, install the pyyaml package using pip in the command line. pip install pyyaml code.py import yaml with…

July 7, 2022